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About the device
A totally new device and one of a kind worldwide River G, which is characterized by three systems for the detection of groundwater, artesian wells and wells in the ground
RIVER G Three systems device
A totally new device and one of a kind worldwide River G, which is characterized by three systems for the detection of groundwater, artesian wells and wells in the ground.
Device Specifications:
3D imaging system, Geophysical search system and Long-range system.
The device reaches a depth of 1500 meters in the ground and up to 3000 square meters of front range with the ability of identify the water depth underground.
We congratulate ourselves, farmers, agricultural land investors, researchers, explorers and major water exploration companies for issuing the totally new device and one of a kind worldwide, and working with three underground water exploration systems.
The device reaches a depth of 1500 meters in the ground and up to 3000 square meters of front range.
Very accurate and high possibility of determining the type of water whether it is (fresh – salty – very salty).
One of the unique features is the possibility of choosing the continent and the country to be searched for underground water.
The ability to work all over the world and different terrain with the possibility of searching in six different types of soil (rocky – natural – mixed – mineralised – clay- sandy) and show the percentage of rocks within the scanning area in the ground.
High-quality three-dimensional image of the location of water and rocks in the water search area.
Also, with the possibility of determining the depth of underground water.
RIVER G, the modern technology to detect water sources and identified under the ground
Technical specifications of RIVER G device
Three search systems in one device.
Large 8-inch screen with high resolution and provides touch option.
A tablet for 3D imaging system, working by Android system to show a three-dimensional photo of the places of water and the distribution of rocks in the search area.
High speed and accuracy in processing search data.
A compact printer with the main unit that prints an immediate report of the results of water underground detection process.
A 4.3-inch high resolution color screen for long range system and provide touch option.
Works with touch screen and keypad.
Provides six different languages: (German – English – French – Spanish – Italian – Arabic).
The possibility of choosing the continent and the countries within it.
Digital compass to determine the search direction.
The possibility of determining the depth of underground water.
The depth of the device reaches 1500 meters.
The front range up to 3000 meters with the possibility of determining the required front range.
Determine the type of soil according to the nature of the place to be searched (rock – natural – mixed – metal – clay – sand).
search systems
First system: 3D IMAGING SYSTEM
The RIVER G is provided with a 3D imaging system to allow the prospector to see more accurate details of the presence of underground water layers as a three-dimensional image as well as to show some of water analysis results.
Type of water with a sign indicating the best place to dig, which contains the largest amount of water.
The depth of water detected measured by meters.
A pie chart showing the ratio of: density – rocks, and salinity.
The Geophysical System in River G device is one of the best and most powerful systems to find the water and the most accurate and fast in giving results.
This system provides the prospector with all the data he needs about water underground with many unique features.
Determination of the water underground depth as well as precise details of water density, salinity and type, whether it is (fresh – salty – very salty).
This high-accurate system and excellence determine water location within vast areas.
The long-range system device has several features:
High resolution color display with touch option.
Works with touch and keypad.
Provides six different languages: (German – English – French – Spanish – Italian – Arabic).
Digital compass to determine the search direction.
Determine the type of soil according to the nature of the place to be searched (rocky – natural – mixed – mineralised – clay- sandy).
Parts and components
1_ bag machine
2_ The main unit of the long-range system
3_ The main unit of the geophysical system
4_ handle sensor device
5_ sensor sent to the signal
6_ future signal
7_ antennas sent for the signal
8_ sensor cable connection sensor
9_ data bus cable
10_ battery geophysical system
11_ battery charger
12_ antenna transmitted for the signal
13_ special sensor for long-range system
14_ ground sensors
15_ battery sensor system
16_ battery charger special car
17_ signal transmission wires
18_Table graphic system


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